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MA1 2023 Master in Fine Art - I Can Carry People Around - First Year Exhibition

  • Bergen Kjøtt 1 Skutevikstorget Bergen, Vestland, 5032 Norway (map)

MA1 2023 Master in Fine Art - I Can Carry People Around - First Year Exhibition

Opening: May 25th 18:00-00:00
Exhibition: May 26th - 29th 13:00-19:00
Free entrance/ Grattis inngang

We welcome you all to the opening of the MA1 exhibition at Bergen Kjøtt next Thursday, May 25th at 18:00!

The MA1 artists from KMD are artists-in-residence at Bergen Kjøtt from May 15th to June 1st. Through creating wonderful memories together, the group collectively organized the art exhibition "I CAN CARRY PEOPLE AROUND" at the end of their first master year, consisting of over 30 pieces from paintings, sculptures, installations, performances, and videos to textiles.
Instagram: @mfa_bergen_24


Vi har tilkomst fra gatenivå, tar imot servicehunder og har toalettfasiliteter tilgjengelig for alle kjønn og tilrettelagt for rullestolbrukere. Bergen Kjøtt støtter aktivt opp om et antirasistisk, inkluderende miljø fritt for trakassering og diskriminering. Alle kjønn, alle bakgrunner og funksjonsevner, hos artister, ansatte og publikum blir verdsatt og respektert hos oss. Velkommen!

We have access from street level, welcome service dogs and have toilet facilities available for all genders which are wheelchair accessible. Bergen Kjøtt actively supports an anti-racist, inclusive environment free from harassment and discrimination. All genders, all backgrounds and abilities, in artists, employees and our audiences are valued and respected here. Welcome!

Earlier Event: May 19
Bergen Kjøtt Bar