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  • Bergen Kjøtt 1 Skutevikstorget Bergen, Vestland, 5032 Norway (map)


Arrangør: Clothing Swap Bergen
Dato: Mandag 05. juni
Tid: 16:00 - 23:00
Registration form:
Mer info: The event has limited capacity, so please register using the form:
You'll receive an confirmation email as soon as possible
Join us for an empowering self-defense introduction course for all LGBTQIA+ people!
This event is open to all bodies, and the instructor will adapt as needed to ensure that everyone feels comfortable and safe. We believe that self-defense is an essential skill for the queer community, as it can help us feel more empowered and confident in our ability to protect ourselves in situations where we may be targeted or threatened.

The course will take place at Bergen Kjøtt on Monday, June 5th, starting at 16:00. Our experienced instructor Barbara, a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu will provide you with practical techniques and strategies that you can use to defend yourself in a variety of situations.

Come and learn how to protect yourself and feel more confident in your body and your abilities, in a space for and by queer people!
If there is anything we can do to help make this event more comfortable and safe please let us know in the form linked above.

Venue has gender neutral toilets!
Read more about accessibility here:


Bergen Kjøtt er en gammel fabrikk og vi jobber med å legge til rette for bedre tilkomstveier.

Heisen vår er under oppussing! Dermed er det for tiden dessverre ikke trinnfri adgang til konsertlokalet (2. etasje, Fabrikkhallen). Vi beklager denne ulempen.

Vi tar imot servicehunder og har toalettfasiliteter tilgjengelig for alle kjønn og tilrettelagt for rullestolbrukere.
Ledsagere har gratis adgang, men må registrere seg i forkant av arrangementet.
Mer informasjon:

Bergen Kjøtt støtter aktivt opp om et antirasistisk, inkluderende miljø fritt for trakassering og diskriminering. Alle kjønn, alle bakgrunner og funksjonsevner hos artister, ansatte og publikum blir verdsatt og respektert hos oss. Velkommen!

Self-defense has been an important part of the LGBTQIA+ community's history for decades. In the 1960s and 1970s, queer activists formed their own militias to protect themselves from police brutality and other forms of violence. These militias were often made up of people who had been marginalized by society, including queer people, people of color, and other groups who were at risk of being targeted by the police and other authorities.

These militias were essential in helping the queer community fight back against oppression and reclaim their power. They provided a sense of safety and security that was often missing from mainstream society, and they helped to build a sense of community and solidarity among people who had been marginalized and oppressed.

Today, self-defense is still an important part of the queer community's struggle for equality and justice. While we have made some progress in recent years, LGBTQIA+ people are still at risk of being targeted by hate crimes and other forms of violence.

Learning self-defense techniques can help us feel more confident and empowered in our ability to protect ourselves, and it can also help us build stronger connections with other members of our community. By coming together to learn and practice self-defense, we can create a safer and more supportive world for all queer people.

Earlier Event: June 3
Bergen Kjøtt Bar