Arrangør: Comrades Inc.
Dato: Onsdag 22. november
Tid: 17:00 - 22:00
Rom: Fabrikkhallen (2. etasje)
Mer info:
Welcome to a night of rest and resistance
Rest doesn't mean complacency. It's a time to reflect, recharge, and strategize! Lets gather our strength, makes patches and enjoy each others company.
Borderikollektivet is taking a little trip over the mountains and together we are going to make political embroidery for a free Palestine.
They are bringing materials, but feel free to bring your own as well!!
We still have som material left after the banner workshop, so banners and posters can also be made.
There will be served food!
All food is donation based, and all income will go directly in to aid for our siblings in Gaza.
You can bring food or soft drinks to the table!