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Rest and Resistance - Solidarity Screening: "Foragers"

  • Bergen Kjøtt 1 Skutevikstorget Bergen, Vestland, 5032 Norway (map)

Rest and Resistance - Solidarity Screening: "Foragers"

Arrangør: Comrades Inc + Arabisk filmfest
Dato: Onsdag 6. desember
Tid: 17:00 - 22:00
Billetter: Gratis!
Rom: Fabrikkhallen (2. etasje)

Mer info:
Welcome to a night of rest and resistance! Rest doesn't mean complacency. It's a time to reflect, recharge, and strategize! Let's gather our strength, makes patches and enjoy each others company.

We would like to invite you to a night of screening and solidarity with Palestine. At Arabisk Filmfest, we believe in the power of art and films as tools for social change, for raising awareness, for sparking conversation, and for creating community. This is why it's important for us now to raise the voices of Palestinian filmmakers and to show Palestinian stories. After the screening, stick around and have some food with us as we discuss the film and its themes, such as occupation, colonialism, resilience and liberation.

The screening is donation based and all proceeds will go to Doctors Without Borders.

We will be screening the film Foragers (2022) by Jumana Manna. This hybrid documentary delves into the age-old Palestinian practice of gathering wild plants, such as the herb za'atar and 'akkoub, a plant with medicinal properties, and the cultural conflicts that arise because of Israeli nature conservation laws that criminalize this practice. The film is shot in the Golan Heights, the Galilee and Jerusalem, and uses interviews, archival footage and reconstructed court hearings to shed light on the effects of the laws and prohibitions which alienate Palestinians from their native land. The film also highlights the role of colonialism in conservation efforts and the complexity of the politics of extinction.

Jumana Manna is a Berlin based artist and filmmaker who was raised in Jerusalem, and studied in Oslo National Academy of the Arts. Among many exhibition venues stretching over four continents, she had her work exhibited at New York Museum of Modern Arts.

The runtime of the film is 1h5m and there will be served food!
All food is donation based, and all income will go directly in to aid for our siblings in Gaza. You can bring food or soft drinks to the table!

This event is a collaboration between Arabisk filmfest, Comrades INC and Bergen Kjøtt.

يود مهرجان الأفلام العربية في بيرغن دعوتكم إلى ليلة التضامن مع فلسطين.
نحن نؤمن بقوة الفن والأفلام كأدوات للتغيير الاجتماعي ولرفع الوعي، ولخلق المحادثات الهادفة لخلق المجتمع. ولهذا السبب من المهم بالنسبة لنا الآن أن نرفع أصوات صانعي الأفلام الفلسطينيين وأن نعرض القصص الفلسطينية.

سنعرض فيلم اليد الخضراء (2022) ل جمانة مناع. يتعمق هذا الفيلم الوثائقي في الممارسة الفلسطينية القديمة المتمثلة في جمع النباتات البرية، مثل عشبة الزعتر والكعّوب، وهو نبات ذو خصائص طبية، والصراعات الثقافية التي تنشأ بسبب قوانين الحفاظ على الطبيعة الإسرائيلية التي تجرم هذه الممارسة. تم تصوير الفيلم في مرتفعات الجولان والجليل والقدس، ويستخدم مقابلات ولقطات أرشيفية وإعادة بنائها.
بعد العرض، ابقوا معنا وتناولوا بعض الطعام بينما نناقش الفيلم والموضوعات التي يطرحها، مثل الاحتلال والاستعمار والصمود والتحرير.
و دائما و أبدا، فلسطين حرة!

And as always, FREE PALESTINE!!

Earlier Event: December 3
Sapfonias julekonsert
Later Event: December 8
Bar Nights: PURE MOODS DJs!