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Karmaklubb* + Konsept X : A space for everyone?


Konsept X collaborates with Karmaklubb* on this one-night event at Bergen Kjøtt consisting of conversations, art, great people, and a safe and open environment. All within a queer-oriented feminist perspective. This evening we want to raise the questions ‘who’s seen and heard, and what makes a space feel safe and inclusive?’ How can creative platforms and voluntary organizations stay creative and innovative during a global pandemic, and how do we reach a common goal of a culture open for all?

We have invited individuals and institutions who work specifically with these important but also complex questions locally — to explore, discuss, and learn. Tonight kicks off a larger international event in 2021.

The conversation will be held in English and live streamed.

Details regarding entrance TBA.


This event is made possible at Bergen Kjøtt with the support of Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen kommune, Kulturrom, Arena Akustikk and BN Visuals.

Bergen Kjøtt takes seriously the guidelines related to COVID-19 and public events: If you have symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in close contact with someone that has COVID-19, please do not attend the event.